Thursday, November 18, 2021

my reflection of 2021

Some of the highest points I had this year were getting to spend time with my friends and getting good marks on lots of my subjects. Also playing badminton 

One of my lowest points was when people were talking bad about me.

My goal for year 10 is to do good on my school work and be organised. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021


1. One thing i wish i did differently in term 3 was pay more attention.

2. One thing i was proud of in term 3 was getting excellence for my speech 👍.

3. My main focus this term is to study for our tests especially maths.

4. When i need help i know now to ask.

5. At the end of this term, i want to be able to say that i achieved my goal of having a good reading score for esttle. 

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Film study

 In English we are learning about film study. So far we have learnt about different types of camera shots, different camera angles emphasise different things, an establishing shot shows the set with no people to set the scene, a close up shot shows a person's face and is normally used when the actor is showing an emotion, like shock, there are many other techniques too. We have also learnt about the 3 main components of a film. Props,dialogue and music. Props are used to tell the story of what is happening in the film. Dialogue is when people are speaking, it is very important, without dialogue we probably wouldn't know what is going on. Music is very important to a film because it creates suspense, music can also help to create more emotion like anger or sadness. The next thing we are going to be learning about is themes in film.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Science road show 2021

Today the science roadshow came to our school. To start they showed us these cool jelly noodles. They had a bowl full of liquid that they kinda injected another liquid into but it was coloured and it made a coloured worm you could pick up. He also showed us how to pop a balloon with orange peel. They had over 50 cool stations for us to interact with, such as a wind tunnel that made things fly. At the end of the day they showed us three more things, a presentation about different types of science, a fire tornado and a giant explosion (which was so cool and bright). ☺

Monday, March 1, 2021

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